27th Birthday Wish List

When you're nearing your thirties, birthday wish lists are nothing more than "things I hope to buy myself in the next couple months." Which is fine by me! Here's my random selection of things I've been eyeing lately and will probably 'add to cart' soon. Thank you, ucpoming birthday excuse!

  • Aromatherapy Jar Candle - All my candles around my apartment are nearing the end of their short lives. These large candles from Target have some of my favorite scents, especially the "Choose Happiness." 
  • Mr. Kate Beauty Marks - I steer clear of the sun a lot more than I used to. I miss my face freckles, though! These metallic ones will be perfect for some of my summer vacations. 
  • The Complete Poetry of Maya Angelou - I want to read more and I'd love to dive into all of Maya Angelou's writings, especially some that I haven't seen before. 
  • Handy Dandy Hand Strap - I rarely ever use a large neck strap on my camera, but I think I'd enjoy having some sort of safety net if I nearly drop it! This small leather one is perfect for my day-to-day shots at work. 
  • Rolling Craft Tote + Machine Tote - I don't know if I actually NEED this more than it is just beautiful. I do bring my Cricut machine to my hometown or my grandma's house when I travel there, so it would be nice to have something safe for it to travel in. Plus, SO pretty! 
  • Toothy Tabs: Dental Dynamite - Yes, I did put some toothpaste on my wish list. Mainly because it takes me long periods of time to build myself up to walk into a mall, where Lush is. I love their tooth powder, so I really want to try these tabs!
  • TONYMOLY I'm Real Mask Sheet - Really, absolutely any sheet mask will do! I'm all about these now. A little mini spa oasis for my face!
  • Toffee Suede Womens Harper Platform Wedges - I have a plan to slowly replace all my current shoes with the TOMS versions. Step one may bet getting this pair for working this summer. I barely have any kind of sandals at all, so this would be a good start. 
  • Work It Out Gym Bag - If there was ever an exercise bag that I related to on a deeply personal level, it's this one. Pizza, please.