2016 Target Fall Haul

I share these hauls with you, partially as a confession to the madness (in which some of you will probably ask me to see a therapist) and partially just to brag because OH. MY. Y'ALL. I got so much stuff. This year, Saturday, Nov. 5 was the day all Fall supplies went 70/90 (70% off food items, 90% off everything else) at Target. I joke that when things hit 90% off I just buy it all because it's practically "free..." Don't ruin my logic. 


I always try to snag lots of treats for my husband's class and snacks and cereal for the Coach himself. Sure, many of the sale items are shaped like bats and flavored like pumpkins, but it's all still yummy to eat way after Halloween.  


While I'm still not really into scary stuff, there's always some really cute and tame-spooky decorations that I'll hang on to for the next year. I like to keep my Halloween supplies limited to one storage bucket, but I think I'm overflowing at this point. Maybe it's time for bigger bucket? 

My sister teaches at a high school whose school colors are orange and black. That means, buy anything that's orange and black, right?! She can use all this year-round as spirit gifts or decorations for her classroom. The wreaths were my favorite. We'll probably add on some sports ornaments and "Go Bears" to the bow. It'll look perfect in the halls of her school. 


If you're an teacher household too, you know to buy random costumes of ANY kind for future dress up day competitions. Throughout the fall, there's spirit themed pep rallies, homecoming week, red ribbon week, etc. You never know what the themes may be, so it's good to be always prepared. We basically have a costume closet full of stuff!


Then there are the kiddo costumes! I got ten different ones for my co-workers kids to play dress up in and save for future Halloweens. Most of these costumes are $40 each when they are regularly priced. I got all of them for less than $40 total. They completely filled my cart, I could barely see over it and I probably looked insane...worth it! 


I was really excited to find an entire section of non-Fall items included in the clearance, so I got as many as I could for the upcoming Angel Tree program at our schools. Tons of scarves, gloves, winter hats, socks and a couple fun things like stickers and books. Everything here was either $0.30 or $0.10 each. 


I'll admit, I've never scored this well with the Thanksgiving decor. Sometimes they're not included in sales this early...or they're given a red sticker, instead of being included in the big percentage off. Well, not this time! I got so many things that can be used at the end of this month! Get ready, Gran, I'm decorating for Turkey Day! 

My favorite part of checking out is seeing the cashier's face as all of this rings up so cheaply. As one said to me yesterday, "Giiiiiiiirl, you saved $375!" As always, I shop at my favorite two Dallas store for after-holiday sales: Love Field and 635. I met a new friend in the aisle and she told me that Haskell is a great one as well. I'll have to visit that one after Christmas.

Also check in with my friends at All Things Target to see what everyone else scored on their after-holiday trips. 

Some people hunt animals. I hunt holiday clearances.