3 Years, 3000 Miles
One other downside to spending this particular month in Hawaii is being apart from my all-time favorite (and only) boyfriend on our three year anniversary. However, I think we made it work the best way we could, having 3,700+ miles between us. I started my morning making a pretty little garland of notebook-paper hearts!
Later in the afternoon, we had our anniversary "dinner." With a five-hour time difference, it was really more of my lunch and his dinnertime. The preparation for this special meal included setting up my Macbook, grabbing some Mcdonalds & lighting a candle. I wore a lei to add some Hawaiian flare.
Long-distance anniversary checklist: 1. Computer/iPad, 2. Skype/Facetime, 3. Similar meals (there's probably a Mcdonald's within your reach, anywhere in the world), 4. Candle, 5. Lighter (for the candle), 6. Smiling faces, 7. Good conversation, 8. Lots of laughter :)
We switched between Skype and Facetime, neither getting us a high-resolution. Regardless, it was nice to be able to talk with one another face–to-face, while having the same meal.
It's probably not the ideal anniversary dinner, but I still think it was very "us." I'm sure we'll have a real romantic dinner when I get back to Texas. But, even this one ended with a goodnight kiss.
Thank you so much for these past 3 years. You've been my encouragement, reality check, chauffeur, athletic trainer, shoulder to cry on, guide, nurse, best friend, gps, mentor, protector and blessing each and every day. I'm looking forward to spending many more years with you. I love you.